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Online insurance sales are on the rise – here’s how to get in on the action

Online insurance sales are on the rise – here's how to get in on the action


Mobile devices have become the preferred channel for consumers to interact with companies and brands. As a result, insurance companies are at the forefront of this trend. They’ve embraced the opportunity to use mobile devices to reach out to new customers, engage existing customers more effectively, and upsell products. Yet despite these advantages and opportunities, many insurers have yet to implement an effective mobile lead-generation strategy within their organizations—and their competitors are taking advantage of that fact!

Use WhatsApp as a lead-capture tool

It’s a great way to get in front of people, especially if you’re targeting a younger audience. WhatsApp is the second most-used messaging app in India, with Facebook being the first. That’s because it has many advantages over SMS-based messaging:

Use WhatsApp as a lead-capture tool
  • It’s free. You can’t beat that!
  • You can send messages to groups of up to 256 people at once (this is called “broadcasting”). This means you can reach out to large audiences without having to remember everyone’s phone numbers or email addresses.
  • It uses encryption by default (encryption ensures that only authorized users have access), which makes it very secure and safe for both parties – even if the message gets intercepted by third parties like hackers or government agencies, they won’t be able to read it because it will just look like gibberish unless they know how encryption works and find out what key was used for encrypting data when sending messages through WhatsApp.”

Keep communications simple and direct

If you’re not a great writer, don’t worry. Try to keep everything simple and direct. Sticking to short sentences and paragraphs makes everything easier for your customer to digest. It also helps them focus on what they’re looking at without getting distracted by anything else on the page.

Lead with a strong call to action

A strong call to action will help you make the most of your marketing efforts. Here are three tips for creating a compelling call to action:

  • Be clear and concise. Make sure that your message is easy for consumers to understand, especially if you’re sending them offsite or presenting an unfamiliar concept. For example, “Send me more information about auto insurance” is clearer than just “Learn more!”
  • Keep it relevant. Your message should speak directly to the consumer so they know exactly what they will receive when they click on the link. If possible, provide information about what happens next after the consumer clicks on your link or responds in some other way—such as by signing up for an e-newsletter—and how often this type of communication is sent (e.g., weekly). This helps build trust with new customers by showing that your company isn’t going to bombard them with unwanted emails or calls every single day; instead, you’ll only contact them when there’s something new worth sharing!

Employ automated responses

Employ automated responses

Automated responses are great for handling common questions and reducing your workload. They can be used to answer emails, or to greet callers with a pre-recorded message. This can help you save time and get through more leads in less time than it would take without the automation.

For example, if someone calls with a question that is easily answered by looking at your FAQ page on your website, they will probably say “I found the answer” and hang up before you even get the chance to say “Hi! How are you today?” You could use an automated response like “Thank you! We’re glad to hear that you were able to find what you were looking for on our site. If there’s anything else we can help with today please let us know! Goodbye.”

Take care when selecting your App version

When it comes to selecting the best version for your business, there are a few considerations.

  • iOS or Android? The first thing to consider is which operating system your customers use. If most of them are on iOS devices and you’re going to develop an app that also works with devices running on Android OS, you’ll need a developer who can create two versions of the same app.
  • What’s the difference? The second consideration is what kind of differences exist between these two operating systems. For example, Apple devices use touch screens while most Android phones have hardware buttons instead. This means that if you create an app for Apple users only and then try to port it over to Android later on, there might be some problems with how certain functions work (or don’t).

The world is going mobile, so it’s time to develop your mobile lead-generation strategy.

The world is going mobile, so it's time to develop your mobile lead-generation strategy

With more and more people using their phones to find the best products and services, it’s important to build your mobile lead-generation strategy from the ground up. If you aren’t already selling insurance through a mobile app, you should be. Here are some key factors that can help you get started:

  • You might have heard about how many people are abandoning desktop computers for mobile devices, but it’s not just about numbers. A few statistics will show why building an effective mobile lead-generation strategy is so important:
  • Mobile internet usage has increased by 300 percent since 2012 (according to Statista).
  • The average adult spends 2 hours and 15 minutes per day on their phone (according to comScore).
  • The number of Americans who use smartphones has grown by 12% since last year—it’s now approaching 70%.


In conclusion, there are many ways to generate leads for insurance sales. While it’s not always easy, these tactics will help you get started. Just keep in mind that there are other strategies out there that may work better for your business—and they might be more cost-effective!