WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world. It’s available for free on all smartphones and allows users to send text messages, photos and videos. But did you know that WhatsApp is also great for helping doctors stay connected with their patients? Here are three ways you can use WhatsApp to better communicate with your patients:
Connect with patients on a trusted platform
The answer is simple: it’s the most popular messaging platform on the planet. Currently boasting 1.5 billion users worldwide, WhatsApp has an established user base that can’t be matched by other messaging apps. As a result, your patients are more likely to be comfortable with it and have experience using it.
How do I use WhatsApp?
It’s easy! First you’ll need to download the app by tapping here (you’ll be prompted for your phone number). Once you’ve downloaded it, simply create an account using your email address.
Once you’re logged in, select or search for contacts within your phonebook or message new contacts from their profile page.
Deliver better care, faster
To deliver better care, faster, you need to connect with patients on a trusted platform. WhatsApp is just that: a fast way to communicate and keep caregivers in the loop. You can easily send messages about your appointment times and check-ins using the chat function on WhatsApp—no more missed calls. Plus, it’s free for users around the world!
Keep Caregivers In The Loop
It’s important that caregivers are kept informed about their loved ones’ health. A caregiver is someone who provides care or support to another person: they might be a family member, or they could be a health care professional. Caregivers often play an active role in the patient’s treatment process and help coordinate communication between doctors, patients and other members of the healthcare team.
When it comes to communicating with caregivers, there are three key things you need to keep in mind: empathy, respect, and discretion. Empathy means being sensitive and understanding what your caregiver is going through; respect refers to showing sensitivity towards their position; and discretion relates closely with privacy—it means protecting any private information about your loved one from getting into other people’s hands unnecessarily
With WhatsApp you can text your patients and they’ll respond when they’re ready.
You can text your patients and they’ll respond when they’re ready.
You’ve probably heard that patient response rates are a key metric for healthcare communication. With WhatsApp, it’s easier to get a response from your patients than with any other channel. The average patient response rate over the past three months has been 91%. That’s 1% higher than when we used email before converting to WhatsApp. What’s more, our engagement rate is up by 50% since making this switch!
That’s because when you use WhatsApp, you’re speaking directly with your audience—not sending them something that could be read at any time and in any order (like an email). Plus, when you’re using chatbots to send automated messages on behalf of your practice or clinic, there’s no room for error. These bots have been trained to mimic human conversation so that users feel connected—and not like they’re talking with one robot who’s pretending not be another robot!
The best part? You don’t need any special training or technical skills to use our platform; just download the app on your phone (you can even do it from the App Store) and start chatting ASAP!
The healthcare industry is changing fast, but with WhatsApp Messenger you’re already up to date and ready to go. It’s simple, secure, and intuitive enough for anyone who wants to use it. Healthcare professionals can use WhatsApp as a way to connect with patients and caregivers in their area while they’re on-the-go or off-duty; all they need is an Internet connection! With simple tools like group chats or shared videos messages, we see no limit on how far this app can go – especially when combined with its easy accessibility across platforms (iOS/Android).